十全手指式血氧機 血氧飽和監視器
Technical Specification顯示格式LED顯示血氧飽和度測量範圍35%~100%脈搏率測量範圍30~240bpm脈搏波強度顯示棒圖顯示電池電量顯示LED符號電源要求2個四號1.5V鹼性電池電壓工作範圍2.2~3.6伏功耗不大於60毫安培解析度血氧飽和度±1%,脈率 ± 1bpm**測量精度 血氧飽和度在70%~100%段為±2%*小於70無定義
1. Install alkaline battery (Lead-acid battery may leak corrosive fluid which may
damage the Oximeter)
-Insert two No. 4 (3A, 1.5V) taking note of polar ends as displayed
-Slide in the battery cover case
2. To test blood oxygen concentration:
-Press the “ON” button to start the Oximeter
-Open the finger probe by squeezing the hinge end, insert your index finger (with your
nail facing up) into the finger probe and release the hinge. Make sure your index finger
touches the end of the probe
-To turn off the machine, release your finger from the finger probe and press the
“power” button. The machine will switch off in about 3 seconds
3. Touch Screen Portable Pulse
-Oximeter explanation
i. Power button (changes display screen)
ii. Oxygen concentration indicator
iii. Pulse indicator
iv. Heart rate indicator
-Display format
i. Oxygen-blood concentration (SPO2): 35-99%
ii. Pulse (BPM:Pulse) 30 – 240min/Pulse
iii. Pulse wave display: horizontal 6 wave format
iv. Low power indicator: “Low Battery” message will appear on screen
4. Caution:
-Please remove nail polish or any other cosmetics from your nail before using the
-It not recommended for the test subject to have long nails as this may interfere with
the accuracy of oximeter
-It is recommended that index, middle or ring finger be used to be tested. Fingers that
are too cold, thick, or thin may hamper the accuracy of the result
-Please ensure that during testing, the finger does not wiggle or move, and that the
test subject remains stationary to ensure accurate result